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July 2023,

Nerdipedia is not well. The database has issues and I've been unable to upgrade to a newer version. I've put band aids on it but bit rot may have set it.

August 2021,

I am trying to revive Nerdipedia. Upgrading through 21 or 22 versions of tikiwiki has not been easy. If I'd known what a pain it would be I might not have installed version 1 two decades ago. The wiki is mostly working on a home raspberry pi 4 but might not be on my public server for some time.
Since the last update I've moved to Nimbin but I'm mostly living in Queensland as a full time carer.
I built a wheeled paraglider but haven't had time to do anything with it. I also bought a Mitsubishi outlander plug in hybrid car.

April 2012,

My mother's dementia and recent passing has dominated the last 18 months. I'm still catching up.
3D printing will be a large part of my hacking for the remainder of 2012.
My main project for 2010 was my ultra slow cooking. I also got an electric bike working and the electrics will be going onto a new bike in a week or two.

November 2009,

After a rough patch with server issues and a hunt for new hosting, my existing host moved the VPS to a new node and it is working properly again.

August 2009,

Existing users note. Accounts created before Tiki-3 (aug/2009) may have a bad theme in the preferences. If the layout screws up after login - go to "mytiki/preferences" and change theme to "site default".

30'oct 2008.

About two hour down time yesterday after I tried to block IP
This was hitting the site hard for some reason.
The IP deny script corrupted the .htaccess file and it took a while to figure out.


1'st October 2008,

There is a problem when trying to register as a new user.
There seem to be a missing field in the data-base caused by a bad upgrade script when we went to v2.0
It seems to happen on all my wikis and other people's as well.
See http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?itemId=2027

I can't add users manually either. I'd prefer not to hack the database manually if I don't have to.
I'd expect lots of others have the same problem and it would be fixed by now but I'm not finding much online.
I added the field to the NP database and registrations seem to work again.

30'th Sept 2008,

My printer is printing again and the Intellidge Extermination worked.
Mike has posted a battery charger hack.

30'th Aug 2008,

Junior is coming out into the world.


25'th Aug 2008,

After a long wait Daniel has updated the satCE binaries.

23'rd August 2008.

http://open.nerdipedia.com is live.
This is an experimental open tikiwiki where all registered user have editor status.
It is in its own account so I can kill it if it gets too badly spammed etc.

20 August 2008.

I bought an Acer Aspire one today.
Printer pump arrived as well.
No interest in the mailing lists so far.

I'm thinking of trialling an open-wiki where all registered users can edit.
It would be a new wiki in it's own VPS account and using a sub domain of nerdipedia.com
This wiki will remain as is.

13 August 2008.
I've added some mailing lists to the site.
I also added a new general forum. More forums can easily be added if needed.

July 2008,
Arjan and I did a five day backpacking hike on Hinchinbrook Island.
I took my turbo-stove along and it basically worked as intended.
We are busy now creating some hiking web-sites.
These new sites are based on Joomla and I'm having mixed feelings about that.
Tikiwiki is not perfect and tends not to build sites as pretty as Joomla but it is still an impressive package.
Tikiwiki-2 candidate is out and a TW2 release is hopefully now far off.
With a WYSIWYG editor (or two) as standard and other improvements I think we could be in for a treat.

Mike is the first of the new editors to contribute with his Smart laptop charger page.

I've bought a 2KW peak brushless motor and controller as a potential ebike motor. I have some ideas for converting my bike.

June 2008,

I've had a few more friends agree to contribute to nerdipedia.

There are also mutterings about building a light electric vehicle.
This isn't my baby but I'd put some time into it if it goes beyond the talk stage.

I think my vision for the project is quite different from the main driver's and there will be lots to disagree about but I'll defer to the guys doing the work.

The main specs are for a street legal (in au) trike for two people (or one + gear).
The range can be short but it must be capable of keeping up with traffic and able to climb fairly steep hills.

I personally don't have much use for something like that. My short trips are short enough that they don't use much fuel and my long trips are too long for battery power.

I am interested in a solid fueled hybrid so this could be a test bed.

Stay tuned.

Created by eddie. Last Modification: Wednesday 26 of July, 2023 23:09:58 AEST by eddie.

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eddie, 18:52 AEST, Wed 11 of Sep, 2024: Most pages should be working again.
System Administrator, 08:03 AEST, Sat 10 of Aug, 2024: Lots of images are still broken. I'm working on it. Maybe 1/2 way through.
admin2, 14:05 AEST, Mon 05 of Aug, 2024: running tiki 27
admin2, 16:01 AEST, Sun 09 of Jun, 2024: Wiki running tikiwiki version 27alpha on a raspberry pi-3. About 1/2 the images are missing and most thumbnails not working. Slow manual rebuild. About %20 done.
eddie, 20:23 AEST, Sun 19 of May, 2024: Images moved from wiki_up to file galleries and wiki pages fixed.

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  • eddie