Hi, Welcome to our nerdipedia
I'm Eddie, I'm the wiki host.
My homepage is http://eddiem.com
and personal wiki
Nerdipedia came about when Daniel ported my sonar program from the PC to Pocket-PC.
He asked if I could host his code and I suggested I set up a wiki so he could maintain his own pages.
I thought up the name and was amazed to find both nerdipedia.com,nerdipedia.org and many other similar domains were still unregistered. I register both com and org on the 3'rd and 4'th July 2008.
I think both Daniel and I were surprised by the traffic Sonar-CE generated. At the time of writing (Jan-08) we've had 60,000 downloads of Sonar-CE.CAB.
We have averaged over 2200 page views per day all up for the site (not just sonar) - sonar-CE is still the top page.
I currently (2007) have three part time jobs.
I consult/contract to CSIRO - http://www.cat.csiro.au/
and have two seperate positions at QUT. http://www.qut.edu.au/
I returned to QUT mid 2007 to be a part-time project manager for NTQO.
This is a non-operational robotic observatory built primarily for use by high-school students in the US.
Our (oz) students use an observatory in Chili.
A number of problems including the remoteness, internet access, staff and student turn-over and mostly funding have put this project on hold.
In the mean time we are working on building a smaller solar observatory on our building at QUT gardens point campus.
Not much see show yet but this is the view from the roof.
My other job there is as a technician for a high-power (as in lots of watts) engineering group.
Mainly just working for the power group. I'm still waiting for more work promised by CSIRO.
I was unable to edit this wiki for quite a while. A brief catch up.
I resigned in 2010 be become a carer for my mother who passed in 2012.
I then continued to contract/consult for CSIRO till I retired in 2017 and moved to Nimbin NSW.
Since 2019 I've been a carer for a friend in Qld.
You can email me at