Tikiwiki stores the name of its database in - /home/eddiemco/public_html/wikiname/db/local.php
Customised files...
db/tiki-db.php configured
local.php configured
data.sql configured
Alternative: Upgrading your database through shell
Upgrading your database manually through shell (faster than phpmyadmin)
Assuming you have the command line version of PHP (PHP-CLI), you can simply use the command line version of the installer.
www$ php installer/shell.php
Running installer for: db/local.php
Patches installed:
Queries executed successfully: 3686
On Centos the server logs are at /usr/local/apache/logs/
configuration is at /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf
How the eddiem.com\nerds to nerdipedia.com redirection is done in .htaccess
RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^eddiem.com$ [OR] RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.eddiem.com$ RewriteRule ^nerds/?(.*)$ "http\:\/\/nerdipedia\.com\/$1" [R=301,L]
suphp config - ./opt/suphp/etc/suphp.conf
The databases live in /var/lib/mysql/
Folder style menu in left panel.
{menu structureId=13}
{menu structureId=13 css=y}
Arduino pro m328 factory fuse settings
DA FF 05 3C (qut board).
My settings are
D2 FF 05 2F
Some have D0 which is incorrect for a 2Kbyte boot - it works until the app is large enough to hit the 4K boot space.