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eddie's page.


Hi, Welcome to our nerdipedia

I'm Eddie, I'm the wiki host.


My homepage is http://eddiem.com

and personal wiki


Nerdipedia came about when Daniel ported my sonar program from the PC to Pocket-PC.
He asked if I could host his code and I suggested I set up a wiki so he could maintain his own pages.

I thought up the name and was amazed to find both nerdipedia.com,nerdipedia.org and many other similar domains were still unregistered. I register both com and org on the 3'rd and 4'th July 2008.

I think both Daniel and I were surprised by the traffic Sonar-CE generated. At the time of writing (Jan-08) we've had 60,000 downloads of Sonar-CE.CAB.

We have averaged over 2200 page views per day all up for the site (not just sonar) - sonar-CE is still the top page.


I currently (2007) have three part time jobs.

I consult/contract to CSIRO - http://www.cat.csiro.au/
and have two seperate positions at QUT. http://www.qut.edu.au/

I returned to QUT mid 2007 to be a part-time project manager for NTQO.
This is a non-operational robotic observatory built primarily for use by high-school students in the US.
Our (oz) students use an observatory in Chili.
A number of problems including the remoteness, internet access, staff and student turn-over and mostly funding have put this project on hold.
IMG 0547

In the mean time we are working on building a smaller solar observatory on our building at QUT gardens point campus.
Not much see show yet but this is the view from the roof.
IMG 0613

My other job there is as a technician for a high-power (as in lots of watts) engineering group.


Mainly just working for the power group. I'm still waiting for more work promised by CSIRO.

7cfe9a75c11bf3ca396fe73156ef655e Here I'm working on code for driving a three phase inverter stack. The little board on the left is an arduino programmed as a three phase signal generator. The unit on the right is a TMS320F28355 development kit. The PWM generated by the TMS is locked to the signal generator. One phase from each unit is shown on the CRO in the background. You can click on the image for a larger view.


I was unable to edit this wiki for quite a while. A brief catch up.
I resigned in 2010 be become a carer for my mother who passed in 2012.
I then continued to contract/consult for CSIRO till I retired in 2017 and moved to Nimbin NSW.
Since 2019 I've been a carer for a friend in Qld.

You can email me at

Created by eddie. Last Modification: Thursday 08 of August, 2024 09:40:37 AEST by admin2.

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System Administrator, 08:03 AEST, Sat 10 of Aug, 2024: Lots of images are still broken. I'm working on it. Maybe 1/2 way through.
admin2, 14:05 AEST, Mon 05 of Aug, 2024: running tiki 27
admin2, 16:01 AEST, Sun 09 of Jun, 2024: Wiki running tikiwiki version 27alpha on a raspberry pi-3. About 1/2 the images are missing and most thumbnails not working. Slow manual rebuild. About %20 done.
eddie, 20:23 AEST, Sun 19 of May, 2024: Images moved from wiki_up to file galleries and wiki pages fixed.
eddie, 18:17 AEST, Sun 12 of May, 2024: Wiki is now running on a raspberry-pi and closed to the public.

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