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SHIMADEN SH90 series controler

Shimaden SH90 series controler with ploting graphs option.

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This TempControl works better in many cases than the orginal soft from SHIMADEN. I use it for temperature control crystallisation. In this program it is possible to record all temperature changes, the setpoint changes and the power provided by the controler to the heater. Program has a temperature programing window where the start temperature end temperature and duration can be set. It is possible to add about 100 steps with different heating/cooling ratio and different start/end points.

This program works with the maximum box speed 19200b/s it is possible to change it but I suggest to work with this speed.


So, have a fun:)

Created by Daniel Kaminski. Last Modification: Wednesday 12 of June, 2024 16:03:00 AEST by admin2.

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