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DIF 6-circle diffractometer angle calculator for Pocket PC

diffractometer angle calculator for Pocket PC

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This program bases on M.Lohmeier code.

Download: DIF.arm.CAB (150 Kb)
    Copy the file to the device (do not uncompres it) double tap the icone. This will start the self instalatin process. The *.cab files are self extracting archives performing the complete instalation.


How to use it.

1) Set the proper diffractometer configuration and  wave lenght.

2)Set the crystal lattice constants then tap calculate button. This will calculate  the orientation matrix

3)Now it is possible to calculate difractometer angles from reflections or reflections from diffractometer angles. Remember that in specular mode only reflections with (0,0,L) indices are calculated.

With this program it is possible to calculate orientation matrix from reflections and difractometer angles. For that use the storage buttons 1, 2, 3.

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Created by Daniel Kaminski. Last Modification: Wednesday 11 of September, 2024 13:10:20 AEST by eddie.

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eddie, 18:52 AEST, Wed 11 of Sep, 2024: Most pages should be working again.
System Administrator, 08:03 AEST, Sat 10 of Aug, 2024: Lots of images are still broken. I'm working on it. Maybe 1/2 way through.
admin2, 14:05 AEST, Mon 05 of Aug, 2024: running tiki 27
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eddie, 20:23 AEST, Sun 19 of May, 2024: Images moved from wiki_up to file galleries and wiki pages fixed.

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