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    Where is the complete source?
    scooter Mon 27 of Sep, 2010 00:06 AEST

    I am interested in porting this to an unsupported board. It seems like full source is supposed to be available, yet the downloads don't seem to have it. Just some Forth source files and some precompiled BINs.
    • Re: Where is the complete source?
      eddie Tue 28 of Sep, 2010 15:18 AEST

      > I am interested in porting this to an unsupported board. It seems like full source is supposed to be available, yet the downloads don't seem to have it. Just some Forth source files and some precompiled BINs.

      Many of the releases do contain the complete source for the system to recompile itself. There is however no source for cross compiling - it doesn't exist.

      If your board is based on the sam7-256 or ex256 it shouldn't be too hard to make a version for your board but you will probably need to use a "supported" board to do it.

      I also have some generic binaries posted which may boot on other boards.
      It has been a few years since I've run FORTH so I'm a little rusty. I'm not sure I will ever get back to it.

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