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printrbot mods

A place for showing my PB modifications.

22'nd of Sept 2012 - A new video.

Started on the 15'th of May 2012.

Y axis limit switch poker.

Modified xl-belt pulley.

These are my modified pulleys. Note the repeating pattern in the teeth. This is the same pitch as the Z axis threaded rod and is caused by the a Z-shaft wobbling a bit as the threaded rods rotate.

Glass printbed

Depron bed insulator.

Printrbot screwdown.

xt60 power plug.


Hot bed standoff and glass clamp.

Z axis micro switch jabber.

Fan adapter.

New carriage assembly.

Spool A-frame.

Wobble fixed.

I found the main cause of the wobble which has annoyed me for months.

The "wobble" turned out not to be a sideways movement at all but uneven lift was cause the layers to bulge every Z-motor revolution.
The Z-motors rock slightly on their flimsy mounts. The fact the hole aren't in the right place doesn't help.
The threaded rod and smooth rods aren't parallel causing the shaft coupling to flex every revolution.
My temporary fix is 4 wedges glued in place.
The results are pretty good.


Created by eddie. Last Modification: Wednesday 11 of September, 2024 10:21:42 AEST by eddie.

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eddie, 18:52 AEST, Wed 11 of Sep, 2024: Most pages should be working again.
System Administrator, 08:03 AEST, Sat 10 of Aug, 2024: Lots of images are still broken. I'm working on it. Maybe 1/2 way through.
admin2, 14:05 AEST, Mon 05 of Aug, 2024: running tiki 27
admin2, 16:01 AEST, Sun 09 of Jun, 2024: Wiki running tikiwiki version 27alpha on a raspberry pi-3. About 1/2 the images are missing and most thumbnails not working. Slow manual rebuild. About %20 done.
eddie, 20:23 AEST, Sun 19 of May, 2024: Images moved from wiki_up to file galleries and wiki pages fixed.

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